Monday, May 28, 2007

Latest on the 3rd WCRP Reanalysis Conf.

A recent Message from JRA-25 User Admin:

Dear JRA-25 reanalysis data users,

I am pleased to inform you that registration of the
Third WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis will
begin on 1 June 2007.

Please visit the conference page
and move to Instruction page.
Please note the instruction page will be available
from 1 June.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 July 2007.

WCRP, GCOS and GEO may support travel costs for
participants from developing countries.

Please inform researchers who are interested in the conference of the conference.

Sincerely yours,

Secretariat of 3rd Reanalysis Conference
CPD/Japan Meteorological Agency

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Status May 25

I'm on my way out to the LandFlux Workshop, so this will be a quick post.

The "sawtooth" problem first discussed in the May 18 status update is still being worked on. The bias correction that seemed like it might be a solution did not fix the problem. A short 1/2 degree experiment with limiting very strong stability in NH winter did not have an immediate response, though, GCM seasonal simulations show that this should make a big step to correct the cold bias thought to be the root of the saw tooth. This problem is also found in 2 degree experiments, so that new seasonal 2 degree experimetns are being started to assess our understanding of the problem and show that correcting the surface temperature bias corrects the sawtooth. 2 degree runs turn around much more easily than 1/2 so results should be available next week.

Unfortunately, being on travel, I'll miss the meetings that review the results, but I'll spin back up as soon as possible.

The SSMI experiment is moving forward. It is in late 1985, looking forward to July 1987 when SSMI becomes available. There should be alot to work with when I get back from Landflux (June 4).

In a general sense, we (a concensus of the GEOS5 status meetings) are very pleased with where the systems is, and were it not for the sawtooth would be moving on with the validation experiments. There is one other science issue that has come up. The Relocator (corrects the location and dynamics of tropical cyclones) was run last summer for MAP06. Somewhere along the way, the numerous updates and changes have "broken" the Relocator code. It shouldn't be difficult to fix, but will need to be tested before we go to validation.

As far as the schedule goes, a critical milepost will be the start of the validation experiments. Once validation experiments start, then we should have good ideas on the beginning of production.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Upcoming Runs and Plans

An update to the file spec was posted on the MERRA WWW page this week. No major changes, but it is still a draft.

We fully expect to have the system ready for production by mid-July. As such we are gearing up for the validation runs. The reanalysis system is also being configured for the new Discover super computing system. This provides a significant performance increase. A new partition for MERRA is being prepared.

The runs will be:

Jan/Jul 2001, Pre-AIRS period where we have legacy experiments, including the GEOS4 validation

Jan-Apr and Jul-Oct 2004: We want a full annual cycle, but that will take a substantial amount of time to run. As a shortcut, we'll run two experiments that will provide the central month of the four seasons, so most focus will be on Jan, Jul then Apr, Oct. This should show any red flags that might require us to hold production. However, we plan to keep the Jan 2004 run going beyond April, as computing cycles permit, with the idea that we will get a full annual cycle (the start of production will not be held up for that to finish, but we will evaluate it nonetheless).

Jan 2006: We have been using this case for several experiments so far, and have some familiarity with it.

We have been formulating a list of comparisons and issues to consider in validation. I'll post that separately in a couple days.

Status May 18

The SSMI 2 degree test runs is back up and running. It was started on Jan 1 1984 and completed 1984 yesterday. It will be a couple weeks before it catches up to the first SSMI observations. In the mean time we are scanning it's precipitation, temperature and heights. Most look reasonable. However, we know from previous experiments that the GEOS5 precipitation is much improved at 1/2 degrees resolution.

The system put toward validation is being finalized. We are checking and rechecking the implementation of a correction to the observational error statistics. Also, the system to be used in validation should have the entire file spec being produced. One component still being tested is the grid resolution reduction. The most voluminous data are the 3-D tendencies. I think just about every physical tendency has been included in the file spec. The 72 layer 1/2 degree data would be far too enormous for anyone to use, ( and uncomfortable to store). So, we are reducing the tendencies to 1.25x1.25 degrees and 42 pressure levels. The resolution reduction is being build inline to conserve the time doing I/O.

Recently, we found an oscillation between 6 hour analyses, with and without the radiosondes. The problem is local to high winter latitudes over land. It appears that the model has a cold surface bias, and the surface radiances are being rejected. Mid troposphere radiances still think the atmosphere is cold, and try to warm it up, but in the next analysis, the radiosondes draw the temperatures back. So, it seems to be a disagreement between a model bias (at high winter land latitudes) and differences in the radiosondes and radiances. Here, this has become known as the "sawtooth" problem, as the 500 mb time series shows a 6 hour zigzag pattern.

One possible source of the model bias is that there is no limit on the stability of the surface layer. So, Richardson numbers are very high in these conditions. In free running model, it doesn't appear to be a problem, but it decouples the land and atmosphere when observations are included. So, a limit on the Richardson number is being tested. There is also a strict criteria that limits the surface radiance increments. So that when the forecast and observation differences are large, the increment is rejected. This is strict for very good reasons (cloud clearing problems, for example). We are cautiously looking into relaxing that restriction. However, this could be risky and would only go forward if remarkable improvements can be obtained.

We also had some good news in this respect. The analysis group turned on the bias correction routines for surface temperature in GSI. This will apply a bias correction to the model background, before the surface temperatures are analyzed. So, the GSI sees a better surface temperature. These bias corrected temperaturesdo not feed back to the model forecasts (a much more difficult problem). After 15 days, the sawtooth has been corrected in many regions. East Siberia is spinning up to this a bit slower. In any event, it seems to be a reasonable fix as well.

We had not seen a problem in the system like this until recently, when running Jan 2006 as a test case. The previous winter case that was examined in detail was Jan 2001. In Jan 2006, we also include AIRS radiances. While these are thinned, AIRS still contributes 500K observations of the 1.2M observations assimilated. Away from the AIRS period, we still see the problem when we are looking for it, but it is reduced. We can also see this periodically in other operational analyses, but not nearly the degree seen in our Jan 2006 experiment.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Status May 10

We are still rebuilding the system with the latest patches and output diagnostic code. Part of this is also building on the Discover systems. It is taking time. The next round of systems tests should be the last before validation experiments. The 80's SSMI Impact tests will be run with the latest build, as well. For a timeline, Th May 3, decisions on the configuration of the system were made. The system build was completed Tue May 8. Computer systems were down May 9 for scheduled maintenance. They system is built and the jobs may start by the end of the week (May 11).

We met again today (May 9) with the GES DISC personnel working on the MERRA data distribution system. It is called MDISC, where M is for modeling (not MERRA specific). There will be several portals to the data for access and visualization. FTP will likely be the most general route people take, but there is also a subsetting routine with the FTP with a graphical interface that looks very good so far. I'll do some testing on that in the next couple days.

The working schedule for getting MERRA production going is not earlier than July 1. There are a lot of small items on the checklist for production, as well as a couple major gateways. The major gateways are: first we need a systems test that holds up in some short (one month) experiments, second take that system to run validation experiments, then analyze the results of validation and present those to both HQ and our User review group. The results of the review should indicate that we can go forward with productions. All told, it feels pretty ambitious at this point. Regardless, we are checking off the items needed to begin production.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Reanalysis paper by L. Bengtsson

An interesting paper led by Lennart Bengtsson is in this month's BAMS on the limitations, need and future role of reanalyses in climate studies. Found at AMS Online.

SSMI test delayed

The test of the MERRA system during the mid-1980s, enveloping the initiation of SSMI observations, had been running with a critical bug in the system. It was caught after the third of 5 planned years of running. The bug was a known problem in an old tag, but that tag was not adequately updated in Operations, despite being fixed in the research and development systems for months.

The purpose of this experiment is to test the impact of a significant change in the observing system, namely SSMI, on the GEOS5 time series. The system is running at a very coarse 2x2.5 degrees, 3 hourly output, which allows for much quicker throughput than we will see with the full half degree system. While the configuration is close to, but not exactly, that of the MERRA validation experiments, it should be close enough to contribute to the system validation. It will assess how sensitive the system is to the SSMI data when it first becomes available.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

MERRA Status

At the development meeting today, we reviewed proposed fixes for the GSI statistics. This effort addresses a bias in the upper tropospheric zonal wind. These have been tested at coarse resolution. One fix has proved promising and the system is being rebuilt. This will be tested at the full MERRA spatial resolution. This also impacts certain aspects of the convective parameterization. So, a set of tests are being prepared and executed over the upcoming weekend. Early (but possibly incomplete) results of the tests are expected by Thursday May 10.

These tests will be used to decide the final configuration of the GEOS5 system to execute the MERRA reanalysis. Full system validation will begin with this configuration.

Also, Queen Elizabeth II will visit Goddard, May 8.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

File Specification Document

The MERRA File Specification Document describes every aspect of the output data files that users will need to use the data. The file formats, grid structures, frequency and variables are all included. There are also some brief discussions on the physics and analysis.

The file can be found at:

Full documentation of the GCM science and analysis methods are in development.