MERRA, MAC and LandFlux

NASA's Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications
Posted by
Michael Bosilovich
9:09 AM
Data at the download site are now continuous from 1979 through December 2006. To date, the data volume is approaching 70Tb, and in September alone, 5.7 million files totaling 91Tb of data were served.
Production continues toward real time, and June 2007 is halfway complete. The throughput is approximately 1 year every 6 weeks, so the production should catch up to real time in early 2010.
An overview of MERRA, including some recent results were presented at Purdue University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. This includes some evaluation of the global water and energy clycles and processes, however, the analysis continues and a peer review manuscript is in preparation. So, use these results accordingly.
Posted by
Michael Bosilovich
9:55 AM