Thursday, March 11, 2010

Update to Data Streams

We are updating MERRA data to permit longer spinup of streams 2 and 3. The announcement and how it affects data downloads follows. Data files formally available in the MERRA data streams are being renamed "SPINUP_*" and will also be available for download. Most research and applications for the data will only require use of the "Mainstream" MERRA data.

Updating of the MERRA data products site to contain only Mainstream data ( will begin Thursday, March 11, 2010. A two step procedure will be followed to achieve this. In step one, all current  products for the years 1989 through 1992 and 1998 through 2000 will be deleted. It is strongly advised that the MERRA data for the two aforementioned periods not be accessed until this data update is complete.  In step two,  
products will be used to repopulate these data years. We anticipate that it will take about two weeks to complete the data update. The remaining year
s of the data and all the MERRA data services will still be available during this time period. Once the update activities are completed, a new notification will be sent out and posted on the web. We thank you for your patience during this period. If you have any questions or concerns please send an email to the GES DISC User Services (

So when the update is complete, Stream 1 will contain 1979 through 1992, Stream 2 will have 5 years spinup (4 available for download) containing 1993 through 2000, and stream 3 will have 4 years spinup (3 available for download) containing 2001 through present.

2009 data should become available during the week of March 15.

1 comment:

Michael Bosilovich said...

A follow up to a question on the SPINUP data. The actual differences between the SPINUP data and MERRA are quite small. There shouldnt be a noticeable impact on scientific results. The differences will be largest in the days and months near the beginning of the spinup data. The diffs are most noticeable in slowly changing variables, like rootzone wetness.