Wednesday, June 23, 2010

USCLIVAR Reanalysis Workshop Nov 1-3

Within the last year or so, and in addition to the availability of MERRA data, ECMWF Interim, NCEP CFSR and NOAA 20CR have made data available. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses. USCLIVAR has initiated a workshop this year. One of the foci is to evaluate these new reanalyses in a climate sense, but also to determine what is needed for the integration of Earth system components (IESA, Integrated Earth System Analysis). In addition to the atmospheric reanalyses, there will be sessions for various disciplinary reanalyses (ocean, land, cryosphere, chemistry and aerosols), and how to couple them. This should be an excellent opportunity for the research community to interact with the reanalysis developers and begin to define the needs for subsequent reanalyses.

Evaluation of Reanalyses - Developing an Integrated Earth System Analysis (IESA) Capability
November 1-3, 2010,
Sheraton Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland (Inner Harbor)
For registration:
Additional Information:

Friday, June 11, 2010

MERRA Downloads

The GES DISC has been tracking MERRA downloads, and there are a few interesting occurrences. In the first 5 months of 2010, the average download is 24Tb per month, and the total for 2010 is nearly equal to all of 2009. Since the purpose of the Data Subsetter is to help reduce the volume for faster downloads (and is the most popular method of access), we also look at number of files. On average, the number of files per month being downloaded in 2010 is 2x that in 2009. This is to be expected. The long time series became connected in August of 2009, and MERRA just caught present in April. Mostly, this is a sign that MERRA is getting out there. It's also not surprising that most downloads are in the US, but the access from the international community is growing as well, and Brazil has downloaded the most MERRA files outside the US to date.

Data through March 2010 is available on line, and MERRA processing has nearly reached the end of May 2010.

Figure 1 MERRA Monthly Downloads in Tb per month.

Figure 2 MERRA downloads in total number of files (in Millions) by country (Top 10).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Converting MERRA data to Grib2

Forwarded from Wesely Ebisuzaki:


I wanted the MERRA dataset (HDF/GDS) in grib2 format so
was written.
g2grb allows you to write grib2 files from grads.

Testers wanted:
requirements: latest version of wgrib2 installed
know grib2
send results to wesley.ebisuzaki at


Wesley Ebisuzaki