Wednesday, August 18, 2010

(Update) USCLIVAR IESA Workshop

Note that Travel Support and deadlines have been included:

Evaluation of Reanalyses - Developing an Integrated Earth System Analysis (IESA) Capability
November 1-3, 2010,
Sheraton Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland (Inner Harbor)
Online registration available - abstract deadline 10 September 2010
Sponsors: NOAA, NASA, NSF, and U.S. CLIVAR

Workshop objectives:
*Assess strengths and limitations of the new recent U.S. reanalyses and suggest where improvements of reanalysis products can be made; identify additional studies necessary to further elucidate the fidelity and usefulness of recent U.S. reanalyses;
*Develop definitions and identify goals of U.S. efforts leading to the forthcoming generation of integrated Earth system analyses (IESA);
*Develop diagnostics to quantitatively assess needed improvements in IESA products; and
*Demonstrate applications of reanalyses in climate and weather that would further highlight needed improvements in reanalysis products

The workshop welcomes contributions in the following areas:
*Assessment of the scientific strengths and limitations of the latest reanalyses, including for example: NASA MERRA, NOAA CFS, NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis, NOAA GFDL coupled, SODA, ECCO.
*Applications of and requirements for reanalyses to support climate and weather research
*Efforts to move forward toward integrating (either directly through coupled assimilation or through co-varying products) multiple components of the Earth system (Atmosphere, Ocean, Land, Cryosphere, Chemistry, Carbon, etc.) in reanalyses.

The workshop is intended to bring together reanalysis developers and reanalysis users, and also to bring together various discipline specific analysis systems (including atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, land, and carbon). The anticipated result from the workshop would be improving two-way communications among the reanalysis developers and the climate and weather community, and increasing coordination among developers of the reanalyses for different components.

Please note there is a limited amount of funding available to offset travel to support students, postdocs, and/or early career scientists (receiving a PhD after Jan 1, 2008) from US institutions. If you are interested in support, please provide your name, institution and the type/amount of support you are requesting along with a vita and abstract for presentation at the workshop. A short letter confirming your affiliation should also be provided if you are a student. Please be aware federal employees are NOT eligible to receive funding.
Please submit this information by September 30, 2010.

Monday, August 2, 2010

AGU Session on Reanalyses

Please consider presenting at or attending session A20 "Progress and Uncertainty in Reanalysis Datasets" at the AGU 2010 Fall Meeting , 13-17 December 2010, San Francisco, California, USA.

By synthesizing observations from various conventional and satellite observing systems, reanalysis datasets provide comprehensive long-term descriptions of the climate system that are used in numerous researches and applications. Recently five new global reanalyses (ECMWF ERA-interim, Japanese 25-year ReAnalysis (JRA-25), NASA Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA), NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis (20CR), NOAA-NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR)) based on advanced assimilation systems from different agencies became available to the research community. The goal of this session is to advance the awareness of the progress and uncertainty in these new reanalyses, so as to benefit the research based on reanalysis datasets.

Presentations on the introduction, evaluation, inter-comparison, and application of reanalysis datasets are all welcome.

You may submit your abstract online at:
The deadline to submit an abstract is 02 September 2010 — 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Session A20 convener
Junye Chen, University of Maryland, jchen at
Michael Bosilovich, NASA/GMAO, Michael.G.Bosilovich at
Phillip Arkin, University of Maryland, parkin at
Wesley Ebisuzaki, NOAA/NCEP, wesley.ebisuzaki at

New results

Sincere apologies for the lack of postings on new results. We are pushing forward with quite a few papers on MERRA, and they are nearly ready for peer review submission. Most of what has been published here before was either accepted, or some straight forward analysis that would likely not be submitted. As the peer reviews come in and these manuscripts get accepted, more results will be shared here.

By the same token, the GMAO is very interested in research using MERRA and plans to host a listing of journal articles using MERRA data. While we scan the journals regularly, we appreciate notification of submitted and accepted papers. There are several contacts through the GMAO web page to do that.