Thursday, August 4, 2011

4th International Conference on Reanalysis

The 4th WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis is scheduled for May 7-11, 2012, just outside Washington DC, on the Metro Line in Silver Spring MD. At this time, Registration and Abstract submission forms are under development, but should be available soon.

For details on the objectives of the conference and agenda, please visit:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Production Delay Resolved

TRMM TMI rainfall data updated to version seven, which included a format change (starting July 1). MERRA data production was put on hold while the data ingest of version 7 was updated. This was only a short delay. Current tests indicate no anomalous behavior in the time series that can be attributed to this change. June 2011 data should be online within a few days, and July production and distribution should be available by mid-August, back on schedule.