Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Output Data Review

We are currently reviewing the MERRA File Specification Document, and considering new variables and diagnostics that should be incorporated into future experiments and reanalyses. This is directed toward information that needs to be captured during run time, as opposed to diagnostics that can be post processed from existing data. For example, to get Max/Min temperature from MERRA would be the maximum/minimum hourly averaged temperature, in the current configuration. We will implement for future analyses hourly maximum and hourly minimum temperatures, so that the instantaneous Max/Min T can be captured from the system.

Any suggestions would be welcome. Please include any computations that may be non standard, and reasons or applications of the suggested diagnostic.

Apologies for letting the blog become stagnant. While I have seen a lot of interesting work with reanalyses and MERRA, finding the time to work up a worthwhile post is remarkably challenging.

1 comment:

Karl said...

I am using the MERRA dataset quite a bit for energy system modeling.
Just a couple of thoughts:
* Shortwave radiation: It would be great to get direct and diffuse radiation as separate variables
* Windspeeds (at 50m) over land seems to be rather high
I'm happy to discuss my thoughts with you.
Best regards,