Friday, July 25, 2014

Reanalysis Session at Fall AGU Absstracts due soon

Reanalysis: Evaluation and Intercomparison

Submit an Abstract to this Session Session ID#: 3181
Session Description:
Reanalyses are consistent data sets which represent the past state and variability of geophysical systems. Reanalyses are frequently used as "observations" or "true state" when assessing the fidelity of model simulations of the recent past, and also in studying short-term variability and long-term changes of the system. However, inhomogeneities in the observing system and biases in the numerical models may lead to spurious changes and trends. These issues can be addressed to some extent by intercomparing the output from different reanalyses, and comparing reanalysis output to independent observations. In the near future, organized efforts such as the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) and the EU funded project UERRA are planning to systematically evaluate reanalysis products.

The session welcomes contributions on the evaluation and intercomparison of reanalyses, including global, regional, atmospheric, ocean, and coupled reanalyses. In particular, intercomparison of multiple reanalyses and comparisons with independent (non-assimilated) data are encouraged.